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Aesthetic medicine removal of scars and stretch marks

Removal of scars and stretch marks in Munich with laser

What are scars?

In medicine, a scar is a fiber-rich replacement tissue that is formed by active connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) as part of the wound healing process. The process of scar formation is referred to as scarring.

A scar represents the provisional final state of successful wound healing. However, scar tissue is not a static tissue - the scar is subject to typical processes of change known as "scar maturation". Initially there is a rapid increase in collagen fibers, followed by their gradual contraction, which leads to a reduction in the volume of the scar. This process is known as scar shrinkage. At the same time, the density of the blood vessels in the scar tissue is reduced, which causes the scar to fade. The complete remodeling of the tissue can take months to years.

The exact process of scar formation and maturation depends, among other things, on the type of injury, the stress on the scar, the body region, genetic disposition, ethnicity and skin type.

The clinical appearance of a scar depends on the region of the body and the type of injury as well as the conditions and stage of wound healing. A distinction is made between

  • Atrophic scars: They are pale to whitish in color. In the case of small, superficial tissue defects, they are only slightly sunken (e.g. after abrasions); in the case of larger tissue defects, they lie deep in the surrounding tissue (e.g. after an abscess).

  • Hypertrophic scars: They are red and raised. They occur after burns or chemical burns, for example. Hypertrophic scars occur more frequently in certain areas of the body, such as the anterior sweat duct. If the tissue growth of the scar extends beyond the area of the actual injury, it is referred to as a keloid.

Hypertrophic scars can turn into atrophic scars as the scar matures. Due to the decreasing vascularization and the lack of melanin, the initial red color of the scar changes to white paleness. In the best case, the scar gradually becomes flatter, softer and colorless. Immigration of melanocytes with corresponding pigmentation is possible. After deep abrasions with dirt injections, blotchy scar discolorations also remain.

Unfortunately, scars cannot be completely removed. Once formed, the scar shape is permanent. However, the aesthetic appearance of a scar can be significantly improved with various treatments. The treatment of aesthetically or functionally disturbing scars can be carried out by surgery or laser treatment.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks (lat. "Striae cutis distensae") are strip-shaped atrophic skin changes that are signs of a structural weakness of the fibrous framework of the skin.

There are several circumstances that can lead to the formation of stretch marks. These include stretch marks during pregnancy (lat. "striae gravidarum"), but also growth or puberty marks (lat. "striae adolescentium") or stretch marks after rapid weight gain (lat. "striae obesitatis"). There are reddish skin stripes (lat. "striae rubrae") or white atrophic skin stripes (lat. "striae atrophicae").

The dermis consists of a dense network of collagen fibers, which is responsible for the tensile strength of the cutis. Overstretching leads to fiber tears and local thinning of the cutis. The subcutaneous tissue, which is well supplied with blood, shimmers through, resulting in externally visible, blue-reddish stripes. Due to repair processes, the stripes fade over time, but remain recognizable as light, relief-free skin zones.

Stretch marks mainly occur in areas of tissue that are subject to stretching. These include the stomach, hips, buttocks, upper arms and breasts.

Risk factors that favor the formation of stretch marks are rapid growth in size, rapid and strong muscle development, a rapid increase in volume (e.g. in the abdomen and breasts during pregnancy) and a strong increase in weight. However, there are also genetic weaknesses in the connective tissue and hormonal triggers ("glucocorticoids").

The only way to completely remove stretch marks is through surgery - the area of skin affected by the stretch marks is removed. However, this is only possible if there is sufficient excess skin. However, a scar remains after the procedure.

Procedure for removing scars and stretch marks with laser in Munich

But laser treatment can reduce stretch marks and make them almost invisible. First, the stretch marks are treated by Nd: YAG laser, which heats and tightens the skin and supports elastin and collagen production. Then the stretch marks are treated with the Er: YAG fractional laser, which removes the top layer of skin and helps the skin to rejuvenate.

What are the advantages of the Fotona Scar and Striae Revision?

  • Improvement of the skin structure
  • Reduction of scar tissue
  • Stimulation of collagen remodeling
  • Stimulation of new collagen synthesis
  • No needles, no injectables, no downtime

Who should have scars and stretch marks removed?

For all those who would like to improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks without surgery and without downtime.

What should I look out for before and after the treatment?

The skin should not be too tanned before treatment. The skin should not be exposed to prolonged direct UV radiation for 10 days before and after each treatment.

How many treatments are necessary?

A clear result is already visible after the first treatment. To achieve the desired result, two to three treatments at intervals of approx. 4-6 weeks are recommended in most cases. At the end of the treatment, the desired result is achieved and lasts. Thereafter, refresher treatments are possible at any time as required at intervals of approx. 1-2 months.

How long does the removal of scars & stretch marks take in Munich?

Depending on the region treated and the indication, a treatment usually takes about 20-40 minutes. The treatment takes place on an outpatient basis in our practice rooms.

Is there any downtime? When will I be socially acceptable again?

There is no downtime. In the first 5-7 days after the treatment, slight swelling and redness of the treated areas is visible and there is superficial peeling of the skin. Immediately after the treatment, you can resume your daily activities. The procedure is well tolerated by patients and there is usually no discomfort.

Do I need anesthesia for the removal of scars & stretch marks?

No, the treatment is minimally invasive, relatively painless and takes place without anesthesia. If necessary, an anesthetic cream can be applied before the treatment.

Is special aftercare required?

Yes, after the Fotona Scar and Striae Revision, no special long-term aftercare is required. A water vapor-permeable cream should be used for the first three to four days. Cooling with thermal water, for example, is also recommended immediately after the treatment. You should avoid sunbathing or going to the solarium for approx. 2-3 weeks and use sun protection with SPF 50+.

Why laser treatment?

Find out more about the benefits of laser treatment here.

Further questions about the removal of scars & stretch marks in Munich?

If you have any further questions, please make an appointment and we will answer all your questions about our Fotona Scar and Striae Revision™ in a comprehensive consultation. We have proven experts within our team at PANTEA® Private Practice for Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery who specialize in non-invasive aesthetic medical treatments and have gained a great deal of experience in working with various laser systems. Together, we have opted for the innovative and technologically leading Fotona SP Dynamis laser system to offer our patients the best possible treatment results.

About the Fotona SP Dynamis laser system

Find out more about the Fotona SP Dynamis laser system here.

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