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Liposuction Munich - Personal consultation with specialist Dr. Lipp

Liposuction in Munich

Liposuction describes the surgical removal of abnormal fat caused by lipedema.

If compression and the like do not produce the desired results, liposuction is also a good option - if the diagnosis of lipoedema is confirmed.

Liposuction - surgical liposuction in Munich with Dr. Lipp

State-of-the-art liposuction in Munich with Dr. Lipp

Together with my surgical team, I perform every procedure on you under general anesthesia in a private clinic. The established technique of vibration-assisted liposuction (power-assisted liposuction), which is particularly gentle on the lymphatic system, is used. This means that large amounts of diseased fatty tissue can be removed if necessary. As a surgeon, specialist and researcher in this field, I am familiar with all the current methods (WAL, TLA) of liposuction in detail. I now exclusively prefer the method of vibration-assisted liposuction. This procedure is gentler for my patients, achieves wonderful results AND is also the more sustainable method for long-term success.

Aim of liposuction

The aim of the operation is to reduce the diseased fatty tissue. This also relieves the surrounding tissue.

In contrast to many classic aesthetic surgeons, my maxim is to only remove the maximum amount of fat that is medically justifiable. This is very important to me personally, because professional liposuction is not just about "sculpting" the body, but about removing all the diseased fat cells in an area as completely as possible; the aim is to alleviate discomfort. Depending on the patient's individual circumstances, this can involve several liters per affected area. We discuss all this information in detail during the initial, personal consultation.

Personal consultation during liposuction for optimal results

Depending on the technology used Depending on the technology used, laser skin tightening is performed at the same time or after liposuction. If larger amounts of fat are removed by liposuction, surgical skin tightening may also be necessary. If necessary, this is carried out in a further operation.

After a thorough preliminary examination, you and I will decide together which surgical procedure is best for you and whether skin tightening makes sense. Pre-existing conditions will be taken into account, as will your age, state of health and dietary habits.

Liposuction surgery completed - the new life can begin

General anesthesia and volume loss are of course no walk in the park for your body. Whether circulatory problems or possible anemia - as with any operation, you will need some time to recover after the procedure.

However, what happens during the operation is the basis for your new life 2.0: the typical lipoedema pain subsides after the operation. After the operation, you should wear compression garments 24 hours a day for 6 weeks and have regular lymphatic drainage to promote the recovery of the tissue. We are there for you, especially after the operation.

Aftercare: the post-op kit for the best healing

The post-operative concept of the Pantea Private Practice for Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery is unique: the fastest possible healing is supported by a "post-op kit" that every patient can take home with them. Because my focus is also on quality and a holistic approach to aftercare. Close monitoring, personal care and immediate availability for my patients complete the concept.

Depending on your individual circumstances, conservative therapy may not be necessary after liposuction. We will discuss whether and to what extent you require supportive measures in a detailed consultation during your post-operative check-up.

Improving the quality of life through liposuction in Munich with Dr. Lipp

As the causes of lipoedema are not yet 100% known, liposuction is not a cure. However, it does reduce the lifetime treatment costs and duration of your lipoedema. In a large number of cases, legs and arms can be largely "normalized". The question of whether and why fat can reappear in other parts of the body is one that I have been researching with my team for years.

Not all lipoedema is the same. Accordingly, there is no one treatment method that applies to everything and every woman equally.

For this reason, we have deliberately omitted the FAQ at this point and would be delighted if you would come to our practice in Munich for an individual consultation. It is best to arrange a personal appointment with Dr. Anna-Theresa Lipp.

"Liposuction is an important step on the way to a better life.
However, every woman should be aware that her lifestyle and dietary habits have an influence on the disease."

Dr. Anna-Theresa Lipp

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